At the moment every educator we know is searching for accurate information to help them teach about consent. This video outlines the legalities but also some important practicalities - e.g. What words should actually be used? Yes – We need to make it REALLY SIMPLE.
5 Things You Need To Know When Educating About Consent
The topic of consent has received massive media attention in recent weeks. It has never been clearer just how important it is to be educating young people about this topic. Sadly, many media commentators are missing important points about consent. In our experience, there are 5 crucial (but often overlooked) points about consent that you need to know.
Primary Schools Success
We have seen amazing growth and positive responses from schools around the country as we expand our Primary Schools offering. Hear Nikki, Primary Schools Manager, share our successes so far in 2019.
Real Talk's Primary Schools Seminars
Real Talks Offerings for Primary Schools
Young People and Porn
Paul Ninnes speaking at an event run by A City Free From Porn, Toowoomba.
Pornography, Love and Relationships
Excerpt from our Pornography, Love and Relationships DVD Resource.
Relationships: Dating
Excerpt from our Relationships: Dating, Sex & Marriage DVD Resource.
Relationships: Sex & Marriage
Excerpt from our Relationships: Dating, Sex & Marriage DVD Resource.
Girl Talk Promo Video
Check out what Girl Talk is all about from Kym and Chantale.
GIRL TALK is an identity program specifically designed for preteen girls. There is so much more than the physical changes in this age group! This time is about the heart growing up. GIRL TALK takes the girls on a journey to womanhood. It covers issues like making good choices, friendship and peers, beauty and more.
GIRL TALK is an 8 module resource and includes a workbook, DVD and enhanced CD with all the ideas, input and presentations you will need to run GIRL TALK in your home, your school or your church/parish.
Gossip Girl
Gossip is like feathers in the wind! Watch on to hear about the impact of gossip and rumours.
The Digital Space: What Are We Really Losing?
Paul Ninnes at The Renaissance of Marriage Conference 2016 in Sydney on The Digital Space and the Impacts of Being a Digital Citizen. (Thanks to ROM Conference -